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Editorial with Artesanias Mariposa

Writer's picture: Kasandra De La RosaKasandra De La Rosa

In this wild year that 2020 has been we needed something to lift our spirits and show just how hard we've continued to work during this insane year. I needed to do something productive and fun but more than anything I needed something fulfilling. Sometime in fall of 2020 I talked to Iliana of Artesanias Mariposa about setting up a styled shoot to show off some of her amazing inventory.

So I immediately started planning. We talked about a boho vibe because she imports the most incredible hand made huaraches and hats and we wanted to match the vibe of her products as well as enhance them with our set.

I started scouring Pinterest and saving my ideas to a secret board and pulled together a lot of set ideas and looks for our models to wear. We loved neutral tones and faded denim. Once I had a general idea of the looks we wanted and the vibe we were going for I moved into photoshop and did my absolute favorite thing to do YA GIRL MADE A MOOD-BOARD!!!

Mood-boarding is truly a hobby of mine. I Love gathering ideas putting them together for as a starting point for a creative endeavor. I think of them as the seed to the flower that is the idea that I want to photograph.

Once we agreed on the Mood-board I put out a model call. We thought three or four models would be perfect and Iliana would style them with her incredible thrift finds. We found our models pretty quickly and they could not have been more perfect for the look we were going for.

So, we had our date set and knew the vibe we were going for I started gathering things here and there that I thought would fit the look we were going for. The incredible green velvet chair was gifted to me by a friend and the rug was an awesome find at Ross. Next I enlisted the help of my friend Suzy of Inez Lino Photografia to help me out with the set design and also to shoot because the more the merrier. She also happens to be an expert forager. Every plant you see was picked by her and myself on the side of the road. After we foraged on the side of the road we came back to my place and started cleaning, trimming and spray painting leaves gold and making all of our props.

The day of finally came and Suzy was here bright and early to help me set up and the weather was on our side for the first half of the day. We got to work putting the finishing touches on our set, steaming curtains that we didn't even use but having the option was nice. Iliana was the first to show up with all of her incredible inventory of beautiful thrifted finds and beautiful hats.

Our models started arriving one by one and we decided who would wear what and got to shooting. The drinks were flowing, the snack table was full, the music was playing and the conversations were amazing. Six likeminded women working towards one goal. It was so much fun and I'm so glad we decided to work on this together.

The day came and went with a blink of an eye and I couldn't be more grateful for a more supportive and encouraging group of women who were there to work together and help lift each other up.

To get your hands on one of these beautiful hats make your way over to

And be sure to follow all of the wonderful people involved in creating a beautiful day.

Styling : Iliana of @_artesaniasmariposa_

Models: Monica of @talkeverythingtome

Blanca of @blancagg1

Set design & Photography : Suzy of @inezlinophotografia

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